Red Birds Of Virginia

Red Birds Of Virginia

Red birds of Virginia are a common sight in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. These birds are part of the Corvidae family and are often seen in gardens, parks, and suburbs. From the bright red plumage on their heads to the sharp black eyes, these birds are a beautiful addition to any outdoor space.

Identifying Red Birds of Virginia

Red birds of Virginia can be easily identified by their distinctive red-crested heads and black eyes. They have a dark grayish-brown body with a black tail and wings. The males are a bit larger than the females and have a brighter red crest. The males also have a bright yellow beak while the females have a brownish-gray beak.


Red birds of Virginia live in forests, parks, and gardens across the Mid-Atlantic region. They are often found in wooded areas and open fields. They prefer to live in areas with plenty of shrubs and trees for nesting and foraging. They are also commonly seen in suburban areas near bird feeders.

Feeding Habits

Red birds of Virginia are omnivorous and will eat a variety of foods. Their main diet consists of insects, seeds, fruits, and berries. They also enjoy eating mealworms, snails, and other small invertebrates. They are often seen foraging for food in gardens and lawns.

Nesting Habits

Red birds of Virginia are cavity nesters, meaning they build their nests in tree cavities or other natural cavities. The female builds the nest while the male helps by bringing nesting material. The female will lay 3-5 eggs and incubate them for 12-14 days. The young fledge after 12-14 days, and the parents will continue to feed them until they are able to fly and forage on their own.

Conservation Status

Red birds of Virginia are not considered endangered or threatened. They are abundant in their natural habitats and are not in any immediate danger of population decline. They are, however, vulnerable to habitat destruction from development and deforestation.

Tips for Attracting Red Birds of Virginia

  • Plant native plants and trees in your garden to provide food and shelter for the birds.

  • Put up bird feeders to provide them with a steady supply of food.

  • Provide nesting boxes for the birds to use.

  • Keep cats indoors to reduce the threat of predation on the birds.


Red birds of Virginia are a beautiful addition to any outdoor space. They are common in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States and can easily be identified by their distinctive red-crested heads and black eyes. With the right habitat and food sources, you can attract these birds to your backyard. By planting native plants and providing nesting boxes, you can help them thrive in their natural environment.

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