Can Cats Eat Persimmons

Can Cats Eat Persimmons

Persimmons, a popular tropical and subtropical fruit, are a delicious and healthy snack. But can cats eat persimmons? While persimmons may be a tasty treat for humans, they are not suitable for cats. Cats should not eat persimmons due to their high sugar content and potential to cause digestive issues.

Persimmons are high in sugar and contain a significant amount of fructose, which can be difficult for cats to digest. As a result, eating persimmons can lead to gastrointestinal distress, including vomiting, diarrhea, and other digestive issues. In some cases, this can even lead to more serious health problems, such as pancreatitis.

In addition to containing too much sugar, persimmons can also contain dangerous toxins. If a persimmon has gone bad, it can produce toxins that can make a cat sick. To protect your cat from this risk, it is best to avoid giving them persimmons.

Tips for Keeping Your Cat Safe from Persimmons

If your cat loves to eat fruits, there are several other options that are safe and healthy for them. Here are some tips for keeping your cat safe from persimmons:

  • Keep persimmons away from cats. If you have persimmons in the house, make sure they are out of reach of cats. This will help ensure your cat doesn’t accidentally get into them.

  • Provide other fruits. There are many other fruits that are safe for cats to eat, including bananas, apples, and cantaloupe. Offer these as an alternative to persimmons.

  • Avoid giving cats treats. It is important to avoid giving cats treats that contain persimmons or other fruits that are not suitable for cats. Look for treats that are specifically formulated for cats.

  • Monitor your cat’s diet. Pay attention to what your cat is eating and make sure they are not getting into anything they shouldn’t be. If your cat is showing signs of digestive issues, take them to the vet to get checked out.


Persimmons are a delicious and healthy snack for humans, but they are not suitable for cats. Cats should not eat persimmons due to their high sugar content and potential to cause digestive issues. To keep your cat safe, it is best to avoid giving them persimmons and provide other safe fruits as an alternative. Monitor your cat’s diet and look out for signs of digestive issues. If your cat is showing signs of distress, take them to the vet for a check-up.

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